
1_inch boy

1_inch boy

  1_inch boy Long,long ago, there lived an old man and his wife in a village. They had no children, so they had pra …

Peach Boy “Momotaro”

Peach Boy “Momotaro”

  Peach Boy “Momotaro” Long, long ago, there lived an old man and his old wife in a village. He went to …

The Red and Blue Debils

The Red and Blue Debils

The Red and Blue Debils Long,long ago, through the forests and the pass, in the deep mountains of a country, there lived …

The Mouse’s Marriage

The Mouse’s Marriage

  The Mouse’s Marriage Once upon a time, there lived a young mouse, Chuuko, and her mother and father. One da …

The snow woman

The snow woman

The snow woman Once upon a time, in the cold northern country… there lived an old logger named Shigesaku, and his son, O …

The Cat’s Teacup

The Cat’s Teacup

The Cat’s Teacup Once upon a time, there lived a old woman who ownned the tea house at a certain mountain pass and …

Grateful Crane

Grateful Crane

Grateful Crane A long time ago, a grandfather and a grandmother lived in a certain place. Although two persons were poor …