An ant and a bee


An ant and a bee

Grateful Crane
Long long ago, an ant and a bee went for a walk along seashore.
“It’s a fish.” said the bee and the ant at the same time, running toward it.
“I found it first.” said the bee.
“I found it first.” said the ant.
They had a quarrel about it for a long time.
Soon the bee knew it was Nisin(herring) that they found.
The bee said to the ant,
“Ms. Ant. Do you know Kuku(multiplication tables)?”
“Of course. I know.” said the ant.
“So what is ‘Ni(two) times Si(four)'(2×4)?” asked the bee.
“It’s Hachi(eight)(8).” answered the ant.
“So Nisin(2×4) is for Hachi(bee)(8). Do you understand?” said the bee.
Soon they found another fish.
“I found it first.” said the ant.
“I found it first.” said the bee.
They had another quarrel about it again for a long time.
The ant knew it was Tai(sea bream) that they found.
“Mr. Bee. Do you know the phrase ‘Thank you’?” said the ant to the bee.
“Of course, I know. It means ‘Ari(ant)Ga(is)Tai(sea bream)'”. answered the bee.
“So Tai(sea bream) is for Ari(ant). Do you understand?” said the ant.
They had each fish and lived happily ever after.

The end