Sake Spring Long long ago, there lived a poor boy in a town. When he was still a baby, his father died, and his mother a …

Sake Spring Long long ago, there lived a poor boy in a town. When he was still a baby, his father died, and his mother a …
A Fox and a Bear Long long ago, there lived a fox in a forest, and a bear in a mountain that was far from the fox …
Bamboo Girl Long long ago, there lived a young man working for a cooper in his village. One day he was cutting so …
The gambler Long long ago, there lived a gambler in a town. One night he lost all the money in gambling. On his w …
A sparrow Long long ago, there lived an old woman in a village. She was always in a bad temper. One day, a sparro …
The three boys Long long ago, there lived a poor family in a village. The husband had already been dead and the w …
The fox Long long ago, there lived a lazy man in a village. On the other hand, his wife was a hard worker. Though …
Thousands of wolves Long long ago, there lived a dealer in kimono fabrics in a town. One day he was on his way ho …
Hikyaku Long long ago, there lived a “Hikyaku”, or express mail messenger in a mountainous town. He c …
A turtle lays eggs Long long ago, there lived a very poor old man and his old wife in a village, while there were …