
英会話 初級1

  1. Travel around the world
  2. Lost keys
  3. Catering
  4. Introduction
  5. Time
  6. Directions
  7. Food
  8. Weather
  9. Apartment
  10. Complaints
  11. Travel around the world
  12. Families
  13. Grocery Shopping
  14. ill
  15. New York
  16. Quit Smoking
  17. Cooking
  18. Fireworks Party
  19. Crime
  20. Clothes
  21. Making a date
  22. Office Party
  23. Yoga
  24. Pets
  25. Apartment
  26. Taking about the past
  27. Checking in
  28. Planning a Vacation
  29. Pictures


  1. Masala180 #01
  2. Masala180 #04
  3. Masala180 #05
  4. Masala180 #06
  5. Masala180 #07
  6. Masala180 #09
  7. Masala180 #10
  8. Masala180 #11
  9. Masala180 #13
  10. Masala180 #14


  1. 01 Philip from the UK
  2. 02 Rafaele from France
  3. 03 London/Poland
  4. 04 Aja from the USA
  5. 05 Danielle (Aus) Nicolas (Fr)
  6. 06 Avasa from the USA
  7. 07 Hina from India
  8. 08 Traveler Greetings
  9. 09 Traveler Greetings


  1. in TAIWAN
  2. Honi Teaching English
  3. American Teachers

American Slang

  1. Lesson 1
  2. Lesson 2
  3. Lesson 3
  4. Lesson 4
  5. Lesson 5
  6. Lesson 6


  1. English Lesson 1SE
  2. Episode 1
  3. Living English – Episode 1
  4. Episode 2
  5. Episode 3

Learn English

  1. Banking
  2. At the Library
  3. Driving A Car
  4. Hospitality and Restaurant
  5. Restaurant Manager Interview
  6. Why do you want to work here?
  7. What is your ideal job?
  8. Why should we hire you?
  9. What is your greatest achievement?
  10. What is your biggest failure?
  11. What would you do to gain respect?
  12. What is your greatest achievement?
  13. Tell me about yourself.
  14. Tell Me About Yourself


  1. vol.1 – 1 見に行ったコンサートの感想を言う
  2. vol.1 – 2 Long time no see!
  3. vol.1 – 3 イディオム ” Cats and Dogs”
  4. vol.1 – 4 挨拶を交わす~文化的な違い~
  5. vol.1 – 5 自分の声を録音して比較
  6. vol.1 – 6 発音LとRの違い
  7. vol.2 – 1 スピーキング上達法
  8. vol.2 – 3 挨拶について’What’s up! teacherstudentcom
  9. vol.2 – 4 頻度/Frequency
  10. vol.2 – 5 英語に触れる機会を増やす
  11. vol.2 – 6 going to → gonna / want to → wanna
  12. vol.3 – 1 今していることを英語で言う
  13. vol.3 – 2 鏡の前で
  14. vol.3 – 3 日記をつける
  15. vol.3 – 4 過去形・過去完了
  16. vol.3 – 5 Tag Questions
  17. vol.4 – 1 リクエストの仕方♪
  18. vol.4 – 2 学習方法。私からのアドバイス
  19. vol.4 – 3 Fine, thank you. And you? って丁寧すぎて不自然
  20. vol.4 – 4 会話を続けるコツ
  21. vol.4 – 5 早く上達するには
  22. vol.4 – 6 Since とFor 日本人がよく間違える
  23. vol.5 – 2 学習方法。
  24. vol.5 – 3 和製英語 気をつけて!
  25. vol.5 – 4 現在進行形について
  26. vol.5 – 5 DVDを観ながらスピーキング
  27. vol.5 – 6 英英辞書のお勧め

Monty Python 1

  1. Monty Python – Argument Clinic
  2. Bicycle repairman!
  3. Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook
  4. Me Doctor
  5. Falling Minister
  6. Hunting Sketch
  7. Art Gallery
  8. Rival Documentaries
  9. Abandoned sketch
  10. How To Do It
  11. Climbing the North Face of the Uxbridge Road
  12. At Home With the Ant and Other Pets
  13. Party Hints with Veronica Smalls
  14. Lifeboat – Cannibalism – Undertaker
  15. Rugby and Football Matches
  16. Argument Clinic
  17. Self-Defense Against Fruit
  18. Undressing In Public
  19. Secret Service Dentists
  20. Seduced Milkmen
  21. The Wrestling Epilogue
  22. Story Time
  23. A Book At Bedtime
  24. Kamikaze Scotsmen
  25. Silliest Interview We’ve Ever Done
  26. Need a lift
  27. How to irritate people – Banks
  28. Communist Quiz sketch
  29. Hitler in England
  30. Man who speaks only the ends of words
  31. Cosmetic Surgery
  32. Norwegian Party
  33. Language Lab
  34. Architect Sketch
  35. Llamas
  36. Dennis Moore
  37. Dirty Fork
  38. Military Fairy
  39. Never Be Rude To an Arab
  40. I Bet You They Won’t Play This Song On Radio
  41. Spam song
  42. hitler scene!
  43. Funny Hitler parody
  44. best sketch ever
  45. The Funniest Joke In The World
  46. It’s The Arts
  47. Silly Vicar
  48. Barbershop sketch/Lumberjack Song
  49. Northern Playwright
  50. Whizzo Butter
  51. Italian Lesson
  52. It’s Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  53. I want you to marry me!
  54. Wife Swap Contest
  55. Nudge Nudge
  56. The Dull Life of a City Stockbroker
  57. Rant Against Communists
  58. Expedition to Lake Pahoe
  59. Whicker Island
  60. Cheap Airline
  61. The First Heart Transplant
  62. Cheap Airline
  63. I’m a lumberjack THE BEST VERSION by Eric Idle
  64. drinking song
  65. The Philosophers’ Song
  66. Philosophers’ World Cup
  67. Spanish Inquisition Torture Scene
  68. Blackmail
  69. Trouble at the Mill/BBC comedy sketch
  70. Albatross
  71. Crunchy Frog
  72. Non-Illegal Robbery
  73. Season 2, Episode 7 – 3
  74. Marriage counselor
  75. Marriage Guidance Counsellor
  76. Nudge Nudge Wink Wink Sketch


  1. ウォータールーブリッジ 1
  2. ウォータールーブリッジ 2
  3. ウォータールーブリッジ 3
  4. ウォータールーブリッジ 4
  5. ウォータールーブリッジ 5
  6. オズの魔法使い 1
  7. オズの魔法使い 2
  8. オズの魔法使い 3
  9. オズの魔法使い 4
  10. カサブランカ 1
  11. カサブランカ 2
  12. カサブランカ 3
  13. カサブランカ 4
  14. 憎しみから愛へ
  15. イルザがリックの店に
  16. 衝撃の再会
  17. イボンヌをあしらうリック
  18. アニーナの相談
  19. ラズロとバーガー
  20. As Time Goes By
  21. 風と共に去りぬ 1
  22. 風と共に去りぬ 2
  23. 風と共に去りぬ 3
  24. 風と共に去りぬ 4



  1. World’s first interplanetary solar sail spacecraft IKAROS
  2. Hayabusa Spacecraft Reentry
  3. Hayabusa Spacecraft Reentry
  4. 探査機「はやぶさ」大気圏再突入 


  1. Rare Dragon/Shark
  2. Strange Japanese Sea Creatures
  3. Crabman Catches Hawaii’s Largest Crabs
  4. Giant 600 Pound Goliath Bass