A warrior’s helmet Long long ago, there lived an old man in a village near sea ,who was proud of knowing everythin …

A warrior’s helmet Long long ago, there lived an old man in a village near sea ,who was proud of knowing everythin …
A woman who eats nothing Long long ago, there lived a middle-aged man in a village who hadn’t had a wife ye …
Promise is promise Long long ago, there lived an honest lord and his three daughters in a country. He was so rich …
Seven Gods Long long ago, there lived an old man and his old wife in a village. It was a snowy day in January. Se …
The eyelash Long long ago, there lived an honest and hardworking old man in a village. Now he was so old that he couldn& …
Daimajin, a gigantic man Long long ago, there stood a Haniwa(Clay doll) enshrined at the foot of a hill in a quiet and p …
The Eight-Heads Snake Long long ago, there lived a kind man, who was so kind that he couldn’t but help others in n …
The old must be thrown away Long long ago, a selfish lord ruled a country, who disliked the old. One day he ordered his …
A statue and monkeys Long long ago, there lived an old man and his wife in a village. One day he went out to work …
A centipede Long long ago, several insects were gathering and talking at the house of a centipede’s in a fo …