Oniroku Long long ago, there was a wide river flowing through two villages. People on both sides of the river tho …

Oniroku Long long ago, there was a wide river flowing through two villages. People on both sides of the river tho …
The Child-Eating Cave Long long ago, there was a small village at the foot of the rocky mountain. In the cliff of …
Plum Boy Have you ever heard one of the old stories of Japan, ‘Momotaro,’ or the ‘Peach BoyR …
Rikitaro Long long ago, a strong young man lived with his parents in a mountainous village. When he was born, his …
Miminashi Hoh-ichi In the mid-12th century the Taira family defeated their rival the Minamoto family almost compl …
Lake Haruna Long long, ago there lived a Millionaire in a village in the vicinity of Mt. Haruna. He had a beautif …
The teahouse From the old days, manju, or buns, have been one of the popular snacks for Japanese people. (Manju i …
My friend Demon Long long ago, there was a huge rock on the edge of a village. One day, a man who lived in the vi …
Mito Komon I think most of you like the stories of ‘Mito Komon.’ He is a real historical figure. In the late Edo era, st …
A medicine peddler Long long ago, medicine peddlers would go traveling around from village to village, town to to …