Greengrocer’s Daughter Oshichi Part 1 Love Most people in Japan live in wooden houses. During the Ed …

Greengrocer’s Daughter Oshichi Part 1 Love Most people in Japan live in wooden houses. During the Ed …
Mysterious power Long long ago, there lived an old man with his son in a village near the border. He kept …
Black stones Long long ago, there lived a merchant in a prosperous town. He and his wife worked hard toget …
The witch Long long ago, there lived a pretty girl in a mountain village. One day in spring she went gathe …
The flying bowl Long long ago, there lived a Buddhist priest in a remote region. One day, he visited the T …
The three brothers Long long ago, there lived a man and his three sons in a village. The man worked hard, …
Count on me Long long ago, there lived a woman and her two sons in a village. The woman always said, ̶ …
Young Millionaire Long long ago, there was a millionaire in a village. He had many of men working for him. …
Rasho-mon Long long ago, there stood a gigantic wooden gate called “Rasho-mon” at the south en …
Zenkoji Long long ago, there lived a young widow in Shinano Province (Nagano prefecture), where there was …