


  Mujina Long long ago, there was a slope in Akasaka in Tokyo. This neighborhood was very lonely after dark. A Muji …

Sleeping Man

Sleeping Man

  Sleeping Man Long long ago, there lived a queer young man who was always sleeping day and night every day in a vi …

Six little statues(Jizos)

Six little statues(Jizos)

  Six little statues(Jizos) Long,long ago, there lived a poor old man and his wife in the snowy mountain. It was on …

Urashima Taro

Urashima Taro

  Urashima Taro Long, long ago, there lived a kind and romantic fisherman called “Urashima Taro”. One d …



  Yatsu-ga-take Long,long ago, Yatsu-ga-take was higher than Mt.Fuji. One day the Goddess of Fuji(Asama-sama) and t …

Woodpecker and Sparrow

Woodpecker and Sparrow

  Woodpecker and Sparrow Long,long ago, there lived two sisters. The name of elder one was Kitsutsuki, or woodpecke …

Wanted a young men

Wanted a young men

Wanted a young men Long,long ago, three young men set out a journey. They passed fields and mountains and traveled on an …

Stumpy tail of bear

Stumpy tail of bear

  Stumpy tail of bear One day in winter, a bear met a fox who came sneaking along with a string of fish he had stol …

‘Click-Clack’ mountain

‘Click-Clack’ mountain

  ‘Click-Clack’ mountain Long, long ago, there lived a kind old man and his old wife in a village. A cr …

White camellia blossoms

White camellia blossoms

  White camellia blossoms Long,long ago, a painter and a merchant were having a rest under a big tree in the field. …