Young Millionaire Long long ago, there was a millionaire in a village. He had many of men working for him. …

Young Millionaire Long long ago, there was a millionaire in a village. He had many of men working for him. …
Rasho-mon Long long ago, there stood a gigantic wooden gate called “Rasho-mon” at the south en …
Zenkoji Long long ago, there lived a young widow in Shinano Province (Nagano prefecture), where there was …
God Sheep If you visit somewhere in Gunma Prefecture, you’ll probably hear about the monument called …
Yuriwaka Episode 2/ The Deserted Island Yuriwaka barely managed to survive alone catching fish, and gathering sea …
Episode 3/Return One day a fisherman fishing in the offing spotted something moving on the island. He strained hi …
Yuriwaka Episode 1/The Battle Long long ago, there lived a strong and brave warrior called ‘Yuriwaka.’ …
Sho,Chiku,Bai In the Edo era, there lived three good-natured but slightly foolish men. They lived in a house divi …
Soba In the Edo era, there were soba stands here and there called ‘Ni-Hachi soba,’or ‘2-8 soba. …
The Fox Long long ago, there lived an old priest in an old temple on a hillside. His every day life was simple, g …