
2014年01月27日 minwa


Yatsu-ga-take Long,long ago, Yatsu-ga-take was higher than Mt.Fuji. One day the Goddess of Fuji(Asama-sama) an…

2014年01月27日 douwa

Woodpecker and Sparrow

Woodpecker and Sparrow Long,long ago, there lived two sisters. The name of elder one was Kitsutsuki, or woodpe…

2014年01月27日 minwa

Wanted a young men

Wanted a young men Long,long ago, three young men set out a journey. They passed fields and mountains and trav…

2014年01月27日 douwa

Stumpy tail of bear

Stumpy tail of bear One day in winter, a bear met a fox who came sneaking along with a string of fish he had s…