
2014年01月29日 minwa

Lake Haruna

Lake Haruna Long long, ago there lived a Millionaire in a village in the vicinity of Mt. Haruna. He had a beau…

2014年01月29日 history

The teahouse

The teahouse From the old days, manju, or buns, have been one of the popular snacks for Japanese people. (Manj…

2014年01月29日 minwa

My friend Demon

My friend Demon Long long ago, there was a huge rock on the edge of a village. One day, a man who lived in the…

2014年01月29日 history

Mito Komon

Mito Komon I think most of you like the stories of ‘Mito Komon.’ He is a real historical figure. In the late E…